Monday, October 17, 2011


Dear Parents,

I wanted to first thank all the parent volunteers who have helped out in the classrooms over the past two weeks. Their help has been so invaluable at this time.
Thank you!!

In addition, a case of head lice has been found in one of our students over the weekend. This student will remain out of school at this time. We have done a lice check for each student today, and we will continue to do this daily. We will be sending home any nap-time materials to be washed and we have bagged up any school materials for 48 hours. Please continue to monitor your child at home. Checking for lice in natural light is best; look for small, white eggs that are latched at the base of the hair and do not come out easily. You also might find some redness around the ears and neck. Please keep us informed if you find lice; currently we only have reports of one student.

We appreciate your help!
Teacher Robyn and staff

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