Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monkey Bread

For those of you who were not able to make it to the holiday potluck, Amy (Lilyth's mom) brought Monkey Bread that melted in your mouth. Here is her recipe:

4 cans of pillsbury bicuits
3/4 cup white sugar
1.5 tsp cinnamon
3/4 brown sugar
1 stick butter
1/2 cup walnuts (optional)

Butter or pam a bundt pan.
combine white sugar, cinnamon in a bowl. Open cans of biscuits and cut each biscuit in quarters. cover pieces in sugar mixture.
Place all pieces in bundt pan. If there is left over cinnamon sugar, sprinkle on top of pieces in bundt pan

melt stick of butter in pan on stove med. heat
add brown sugar and cook still slightly boiling (constantly stirring)
add walnuts

Pour butter mixture over pieces in bundt pan and bake in oven at 350 for 40 minutes. When done turn over onto plate and eat. YUMMO!

Thanks, Amy! Holiday pictures will be posted soon!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Teacher Robyn's Birthday Circle!

Teacher Robyn celebrated a birthday on Wednesday! Her colleagues at ALRM insisted that she do a real birthday circle. She went round and round (just a few times....look closely at the pictures to see exactly how many) as the kids and teachers sang. I think she was a good sport!

Birthday Circle:


Thanks to Teacher Amanda for the phone pictures and to Brit for the amazing cupcakes!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Presents are due ASAP to ALRM. The festivities begin about 10:30 on Friday. The potluck will be at 11am. School closes at 3pm. Be sure to comment on the blog before Thursday night to be entered into a drawing to win a prize at the potluck!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Environmental Art | New Hampton Montessori

Almost every day, I find E. and B. hard at work on a project on the playground. Their environmental art is pretty complex and usually takes all of their outside time to complete. As you can see, they are also pretty protective of their art. Other kids are catching on, using the leaves, sticks, and woodchips to create art of their own.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Upstairs Secret Santa List

Josie picked Halsey.
Brecken picked Eloise (was that rigged?).
Eloise picked Brecken (come on now!).
Halsey picked Lilyth.
Savannah picked Vivian.
Molly picked Elena.
Ashley picked Gavin.
Emma picked Sage.
Sage picked Emma.
Garrett picked Ashley.
Hunter picked Garrett.
Gavin picked Ben A.
Ben A. picked Zacarra.
Zacarra picked Hunter.
Vivian picked Molly.
Lilyth picked Savannah.
Elena picked Josie.


Memmee is expecting 4-5 little pups in January! Be sure to give her some extra love when you see her!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Downstairs Secret Santa List

Elle picked Quinn.
Jacob picked Lily.
Preston picked Ben M.
Amelia picked Ava.
Lily picked Ethan.
Quinn picked Aliza.
Amelia Jo picked Elle.
Jackson picked Stella.
Seda picked Jackson.
Reid picked Seda.
Ava picked Amelia Jo.
Ben M. picked Jacob.
Aliza picked Reid.
Stella picked Amelia.
Ethan picked Preston.

*Check your child's in-box for some suggestions for gifts.

A few reminders.... | New Hampton NH Montessori School

We are making gingerbread houses and we are need of donations if you are able. There is a sign in the front hall that lists what we need. Please drop supplies off by December 15th. Thank you!

Secret Sants gifts are also due by December 15th. We will include a short list of gift ideas either in your child's box or on the blog.

The potluck sign-up is also up in the front hall. The Potluck in on December 17th where we will do a gift swap and eat around 11am. School ends at 3pm on that day, and we will be closed until January 2nd. School starts up again on January 3rd, 2011!

Please label your child's clothing and snow gear!

There is a poll in the right hand column of this blog. Please cast your vote!

Finally, a contest reminder! Leave a comment on the blog by Thursday, December 16th to be entered in a drawing to receive a prize at the potluck.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog Contest! | A Lakes Region Montessori School

We have had over 1500 hits on this blog since September! In an effort to thank our loyal blog readers, we are having our first blog contest! Leave a comment on any post on the blog by Thursday, December 16th. We will put your name in a drawing to win a prize at the holiday party. Be sure to leave your name with your comment.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gift Exchange

Dear Parents,

We will be having a Secret Santa gift exchange at our Holiday potluck on December 17th. Next week, we will have the chidren draw names for whom they will buy a gift. There is a $10 limit. Please sent the gifts, wrapped, to school on or before December 16th. Be sure to check your child's take-home bin next week to see the name they picked!

Thank you!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's all in the details... | A Lakes Region Montessori

ALRM is all about the details- bright colors, small glass trinkets, interesting textures, smooth wood- that help engage your child as he or she learns.

Monday, November 29, 2010


A tree from Lily's grandfather:

and a wreath from Ben M.'s mom:

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Potluck

The celebration started with a special Thanksgiving circle with a book:

Then, of course- food!
Teacher Heather stole the show with this creation:

Students created a tree of Thankfulness in the downstairs classroom:

And the special craft of the day included each student making a turkey and showing it off!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Some reminders:

Our Thanksgiving potluck is on Tuesday. Please sign up to bring a healthy dish at the front hall of ALRM. School gets out at 3pm on that day as well.
And, because a blog post is better with pictures......

Rest in Peace Kenai

Teacher Robyn's beloved dog, Kenai, passed away over the weekend. We are all thinking of Robyn and her family at this time.


The dogs who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think
we hear a barking at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometime, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them...
and always will.
----Linda Barnes ---

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Parent Email List

In an effort to connect ALRM parents, we are putting a parent email list on the blog. If you are interested in being added, please put your information on the sign-up sheet at the school. I will add the list to the blog over the weekend, so please sign up by Friday at noon.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Work of the Week- Napkin Folding

In honor of Thanksgiving, the students have been working on two styles of napkin folding.

First, the triangle fold.

This student traces the lines with his finger as he folds the napkin.

Next, the square fold.

Well done!

Have your son or daughter try this at home to help out with Thanksgiving dinner!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saving Lids to Save Lives

Yoplait/Dannon Update:
32 Yoplait Lids
$3.20 (still going until 12/31!)

36 Dannon Lids
$3.60 (still going until 11/30!)

Thank you to Teacher Heather for organizing this fundraiser and thanks to the parents and children who bring in lids. Keep eating your yogurt!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Parent Teacher Conferences

To the parents,
We are so pleased with our day yesterday.  The conferences went great, and we loved meeting each and every one of you.  We looked forward to conferences from the start of the year, and we truly enjoyed our conversations with all of you!

The Teachers of ALRM