Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Party and Secret Santa

Our annual holiday party will be this Friday!  We will be doing the gift swap and potluck at 11am.  School will be closing early.  Children will be picking names this week; please bring in a wrapped gift ($10 limit).  Also, remember to send children in with snowpants, hats, and gloves for fun outdoor time. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Parents' Night Out! | A Lakes Region Montessori

As a thank you to our families, Teacher Robyn is hosting a complimentary Parents' Night Out! 

 Monday, December 17th

 Children should come dressed in their PJs for a filming of POLAR EXPRESS!  Siblings are welcome.
 Please RSVP by Friday, December 14th.

Go out to dinner!  Finish your holiday shopping!  Enjoy a night out!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

This Friday

ALRM will be closed this Friday as Teacher Robyn will be attending funeral services in CT.  She apologizes for this inconvenience.  Teacher Audrey has offered to do child care for those in need at an alternative location (at no extra cost- this is included in the month's tuition).  Please speak to Teacher Robyn if you are in need.  There will no preschool on that day.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

School pictures are ready!

This link will take you to the gallery of images.   On Wednesday, an order form will be sent home with your child. On this form, you will indicate which images and packages you would like.  You can order all of one pose or mix and match.   You will have one week to turn your order form and payment in (please turn in by Wednesday, November 7th).  Please contact me at with any questions!  Thank you!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

fruit salad and Halloween happenings! | Spanish Lesson | A Lakes Region Montessori

Miss Gigi came to school on Wednesday to give the students their first Spanish lesson.  Here is a sneak peek of the lesson:

Miss Gigi will be at school every Wednesday at 9am for a lesson.  The kids (even the smallest ones) sat enthralled for over an hour by her lesson that including tactile, sensory, and verbal techniques!  More pictures to follow soon....

Halloween is on Wednesday!  Please:
  • send your child in a costume if  you choose.
  • send along 20 treats for goodies bags for the party.  
  • sign up for a potluck offering.  If you are new to ALRM, these are the best times of the year!  We gather with other parents and families to celebrate holidays!  Feel free to bring grandparents and siblings! The potluck will begin at 11am. 
Happy Fall!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

beans and greens | Gilford, NH field trip

ALRM's first field trip of the year was an amazing success!  Despite the slight drizzle throughout the morning, the day allowed for so much!  We began the field trip by feeding the goats and pigs.  Next, we spent quite a bit of time in the hay maze.  All the children from smallest to biggest LOVED this part!  They could each negotiate the maze at his or her own pace, explore the teepee, and finish off down the slide.  We took a wagon ride over to the larger corn stalk maze where we wandered a bit and lost our way.  We all managed to find our way out onto the pumpkin patch where each child picked a pumpkin.  The folks at Beans and Greens in Gilford were very accomodating and made the trip so fun!  Thank you to all the parents who helped drive and chaperone!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

challenging works | New Hampton, NH kindergarten

Work time at A Lakes Region Montessori involves students choosing a challenging work to explore a variety of skills.  
This work is used for counting.
This student stacks blocks, careful to balance them in an order that will support the top weight. She also puts them in order from largest to smallest. 
This student is working on sounds of the alphabet.  First he lines up the letters in order. Then he finds an object that begins with the letters of the alphabet. For example, he places a butterfly on B.
This student is helping supervise:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

pink tower works, red monkeys, and green lizards

The Pink Tower work is a classic Montessori work.  The student places each pink block carefully on the appropriately sized square.  The work emphasizes careful handling of the objects, using two hands whenever possible.  It also emphasizes large to small, ending with a teeny-tiny baby square.  Keeping track of that teeny-tiny baby square is taken very seriously by the students; it has yet to be lost in recent history!